Get Involved

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Whatever your issue is—clean water, big oil, food security—sign a petition letter today!

Turn your anger into action by calling your representative. Become countable when they make decisions.

Mothers, grandmothers, and other caregivers mobilizing for a livable climate.

Find out about campaigns, projects and local groups where you can help.

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What you can do to fight climate change? From advocating for zero waste to protecting New England’s marine monument.

Congress is considering legislation that would halt the expansion of large gas pipelines and invest money in the transition to renewables.

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Your letters & emails matter – tell congress that science matters when deciding the future of our environment.

Clean water is a right. Engage in Massachusetts actions for clean water and air.

Information about what we can do locally to restore our land and water to environmental health.

You’ve marched and signed petitions—now what? Insert yourself into policy-making decisions.